Winter 2022: Designing the Equitable Enterprise

BA 670 Winter ‘22 Objectives

In Winter 2022, graduate students from nine schools across campus came together to rethink how we design businesses. The students engaged with IT-enabled changes that have transformed the raw materials of enterprise (labor, capital, supplies, distribution) and examined what these changes mean for stakeholders. Then, using equitable design thinking and futuring, business tools, and research insights, the students prototyped new forms of enterprise in an industry undergoing radical change around the globe right now: restaurants. Covid rapidly accelerated changes already underway, from a shift toward ghost kitchens and delivery to the use of QR codes in place of human servers. The students put these tools and insights to work to design new models for equitable restaurant enterprises - models that create good jobs, redistribute power, and positively impact their communities and the environment.

Screenshot of +Impact Studio Wikihow page

+Impact Studio Elements of Enterprise

Mid-semester, students of the BA670 +Impact Studio course delivered a How-To site for restauranteurs. This resource was created for new and existing enterprises creatively adapting to the challenges created by the pandemic. You can browse through the list of How-To's to find the answers you need in the areas of Capital, Distribution, Labor, Organization, and Suppy

BA 670 Winter ‘22 Final Projects

Bright and early Monday, April 18, 2022, the students of the +Impact Studio class (BA 670) gathered for a Demo Day. Teams of grad students presented proposed products for helping restaurants address current challenges. A panel of honored guests from the industry and the area joined via Zoom to ask questions and generate further ideas. The second half of the class was an in-person tabling event for VIPs to come and dig further with the student teams. See photos of the class in Flickr, or read about each team project, below:

  • Tableaux logo with older people cooking together


    Paul Capp, MBA/MPP
    Sasha Kolodkin, MSI/MBA
    Isabel Talsma, MSI

    A new restaurant concept with a rotating chef-in-residence model to give ambitious young chefs a space to tell remarkable stories over outstanding food. Tableaux creates an immersive dining experience for diners that brings to life the context of the food they’re eating and who is making it, and is built upon an equitable and empowering employment model through mechanisms such as profit-sharing, a service fee, and career laddering.

  • Tastreet logo with phone images of newsfeed and owner profile on smart phones


    Kateri Gutierrez, MBA
    Eli Forrester, MBA/MS
    Chloe Preble, MSI
    Allison Fritsch, MPH/MSW
    Amy Engineer, MSI

    A platform that connects food lovers to small and local vendors through an app where customers can track mobile food vendors in real-time and vendors can increase their customer-base regardless of resources. The platform also provides support for vendors including data, connections, and resources for managing their small business.

  • Totally Transparent Provisions logo with African American woman eating in a cafe

    Totally Transparent Provisions

    Douglas Ely, MBA/MS
    Rebekah Williamson, MSI
    Candance Samuel, MBA
    Kelly Liu, MSI

    An open-source restaurant that fosters increased employee equity & ownership in its business model by pursuing radical transparency and co-creation activities via an Open Book Management process. By publishing its performance and goal progress on a monthly/quarterly basis, and inviting engagement from the local community, TTP is empowering its employees and community members to take active part in the operational & financial decision-making process.

  • UpSkill-It logo with two East Indian waiters looking at a laptop


    Mya Gibson, MSI
    Yash Kamat, MSI
    Claire McLeland, MBA
    Yuqiao Xu, MSI

    An online learning management platform to learn skills for career progression, increased responsibility, and enhanced benefits and pay. leading to overall improved work satisfaction. Workers will gain the skills required to move up the career ladder and restaurant owners and managers will benefit from increased employee retention.

  • COOK - Community Outreach Opportunity Kitchen logo with photos of diverse women

    COOK - Community Outreach Opportunity Kitchen

    Emilee Kutyla, MSI
    Andrew Darvin, MBA/MURP
    Isabel Randolph, MBA
    Kosi Browne, MSI

    A community-driven restaurant and deli that empowers its staff with employment education opportunities while providing delicious, locally-informed food and gathering space for the larger community. COOK seeks to support women in the workforce and provide family-friendly offerings, including an onsite childcare cooperative for employees and community members.

  • Menu&Me logo with screen shots of menus on cell phones


    Keshav Vanam, MBA
    Gwenevere McKee, MSI
    Edith Zhang, MSI
    Alyssa Downs, MSI

    A digital menu tool that provides information about restaurants ingredients, supply chain, treatment of workers, and other key information. Restaurant owners will be able to gain insights into customer behaviors by monitoring the activity of the digital menu (click through rate, conversion, etc.) as well as advertise items that meet ethical standards. Customers can utilize an app to screen for food allergens, understand how ingredients are sourced, and learn about the creation of the food to make more informed decisions about where and what they eat.

  • Seedling: Growing Together with blueprint of integrated restaurant


    Orville Mo-He, MSI
    Allison Winstel, MBA/MPP
    Zhihui Zhu, MSI

    A cooperative food hub where farmers, chefs, entrepreneurs, workers, diners, and all food enthusiasts come together to create and contribute to a regenerative food system: from farm to table and back into the earth. This food hub will create an onsite circular economy featuring indoor vertical farming, a farmer’s market, chef-driven restaurants, and waste management, creating opportunities for hands-on education, meaningful careers, and food-based entrepreneurship.

  • Backstage VIP Services logo in black

    Backstage VIP Services

    Amanda Hsu, MSI
    Savannah Major, JD
    Tyrese Jackson, MBA
    Sadhana Ramaseshadri, MSI
    Elana Lambert, MSW

    An equity-focused subscription service offering exclusive menus, early tastings, and minimum wait time. The company is structured so that the profits from this VIP service enable restaurant owners to augment the compensation of restaurant employees and help make restaurant work more sustainable for employees.

  • Cheers to Transparency logo with photo of Asian waiter delivering bill to Asian clients

    Cheers to Transparency

    Cynthia Ding, MSI
    Terrence Liu, MSI
    Jenan Makki, MSI
    Hayley Sakwa, MBA/MPP

    A POS integrated software that provides restaurant customers with a detailed cost breakdown of their meal on their receipt – including food, labor, operations, and restaurant profits – so customers know exactly where their money is going. This service supports restaurants in demonstrating their value to customers, supports customers in making empowered purchasing decisions, and sparks a trusting and transparent relationship between restaurant owners and customers.

  • Chef's Friend logo with meals on plates

    Chef's Friend

    Andrew Johnston, MBA
    Lavanya Pandit, MS
    Dana Reik, MSI
    Margaret Walthall, MPP

    A community of customer-members that democratically elect a chef to run a pop-up restaurant where new chefs will bring their unique food creations to Chef’s Friend dining spaces. In advance, member-customers will vote on which chef they would like to see and can purchase tickets for the event. Emerging chefs will be able to test their concept and access space, employees, and marketing support for their restaurant concept.